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The aim of this Privacy Policy is — therefore — to inform you about the ways in which we process your data for marketing purposes and in order to help us manage your participation in the Natuzzi Community.

What kind of personal data will we use? Additional data With your consent, we may also use Data relating to you gathered according to different Avana for Sale In Usa than the ones just described. More specifically, we may gather the following types of data: Why will we use your data and what legal basis we will adhere to? If you grant your consent, we will use your data for each of the following purposes, including through the use of electronic means: For example, we might send you emails or Avana for Sale In Usa messages e.

More specifically, in order to better understand your tastes and interests as regards our products and correspondence, we may examine — including using automated systems — the information you provide to us in order forms and quote requests, purchases made by you at Natuzzi stores in the last ten years, your interest in the correspondence and newsletters we send you, your visits to our websites, the way you use our apps and your interest in our social media channels e.

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Finally, we may supplement your profile information of a statistical natural that we lawfully obtain from other sources: In any case, this kind of profiling activity shall not have any legal consequences on you, nor will it have a significant effect on you personally.

Moreover, in the event that you have filled in a form for the request for information, we will use your Data: Your Data Avana for Sale In Usa be used to provide you with discounts and other advantages which may be made available to you. Registration with the Natuzzi Community is optional and neither registration nor the information request is in any way dependent on you granting your consent for the data processing purposes set out at a and b. Who is the data controller?

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The data is Natuzzi S. How long will we store your Data for? We will only store your Data for the period of time necessary to pursue the various data processing purposes, Avana For Sale In Usa. As regards the Natuzzi Community, your Data will not be stored for processing for longer than the Avana for Sale In Usa necessary to manage your participation in the Natuzzi Community.

In the event that you decide to leave the Natuzzi Community, your Data will be deleted within 30 days. For the purposes set out at a and b, your personal and contact information will be stored for processing until such time as you revoke your consent, while information relating to your purchases will be stored for processing for no longer than 10 years from the date of collection.

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Information relating to your interactions with us Avana for Sale In Usa be stored for no longer than 12 months from the date of collection. Who will we communicate your Data to? If you are registered Avana for Sale In Usa the Natuzzi Community, we may communicate your Data to companies — including foreign companies — who manage the stores participating in the Natuzzi Community initiative, as well as to third parties where we are legally obliged to do so.

A full list of such companies will be made available if you send a written request to the contact details shown below. How will the transfer of your Data to non-EU countries be regulated?

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Your data may be transferred outside of the European Union, including to Avana fors Sale In Usa where the level of personal data protection buy Sildenafil Citrate be lower than that guaranteed by European regulations. What rights do you have? You have the right to request access to the Data, to request the Avana for Sale In Usa or cancelation of the Data, to request that data procession by limited, to object to our using your Data and to request that a copy of your Data be sent to you.

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You also have the right to pass this data to another data controller without the consent of the data controller that supplied you with it, in the event that: You have the Avana for Sale In Usa to obtain the direct transfer of your personal data to another data controller, provided this is technically possible and only by request. How can you change your preferences or revoke consent? You can — at any time — check, modify or revoke your consent for the data processing purposes as set out in a and b.

You can decide to leave the Natuzzi Community at any time.

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