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Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris Tentang Teknologi

Cell phone in Our Life In this life, all come from a simplicity. Then, technology changes the simplicity into something which is very useful in all aspects of human life. This world, as if it cannot get off of information, and this world really needs the presence of technology to process the information.

Technology also makes our life without distance, all felt close by the presence of technology.

Bayani Amri Putri Blog’s

Originally technology is only to help a man in fulfilling their needs, but as the development of it, there was a transfer of technology functions. Cell phone was used only for a means to communicate and only used by certain people who are usually businessperson. But, as the development of era, the cell phone is getting complete contoh essay bahasa inggris about story many interesting features and used by all the circles especially among Now, the cell phone is not just a tool of communication but has become a lifestyle for most of people.

Now, the world of cell phones is the world of communication to share, and entertain, such as picture, games, and video. The price offered of a cell phone is quite affordable and cell phone is also equipped with features like the internet, games, music, video, camera that support technological development.

Only by a contoh essay bahasa inggris about story phone, we can get a lot of information through the features of cell phone which is called internet.

The internet is the most updated source of information. Now, the use of cell phone is dominated by internet features especially social networking media, like facebook. Facebook has already been friend of in this life.

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  • Cell phone was used only for a means to communicate and only used by certain people who are usually businessperson.

Among teenagers, cell phones is used as a multi function tool of communication. Because of that, they may use it in positive and negative way. It depends on the individual itself. However, nowadays, teenagers are very prone to negative impacts.

It is as hard times essay liable of influence from outside or inside their environment. In the past, children went to school bringing books, but now instead they bring cell phone as if the cell phone is obligatory goods they have to bring, whether they really need it or just take it as a style of their lives to keep confident.

If we look at a lot of people from various communities, they will not miss the popping up technology in this world. Various circles do not only have one cell phone but more than one cell phone which actually spends more money.

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We also often see on the road, many drivers misuse the cell phone. They are driving and at the same time, they are calling, sending text messages or accessing internet. Whereas, this can cause traffic accidents because they do not focus on the contoh essay bahasa inggris about story but they focus on their cell phone. In addition, there is also the misuse of the cell phone at the time of the process of teaching and learning at schools that while the teacher is explaining the lesson in front of the class, the students are playing the cell phone.

Their achievement can be dropped.

Even, at the examination, there are some students who misuse the cell phone to exchange answers through text messages with their friends. We are as the young generation should be able to control the flow of globalization. We must also be smart in controlling our emotions in the use of cell phone and other technology. We have paperhelp in using the technology, especially cell phone.

We should develop it, not only misuse it.


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